Stop getting overwhelmed and stressed by Instagram. By taking a step back you’ll find that you actually start to grow your account.
If you look at Instagram as you would a friend then you’ll like it a lot more! Have a coffee together when you have the time, have a natter when you’ve got something to share and your friendship will grow.
But schedule in rushed get-togethers, try to be someone you’re not and have false conversations and your friendship won’t last.
To be consistent or to be inspired?
Do you post on Instagram when you feel you ‘should’ or when you feel inspired?
When I started on my Instagram journey I followed the advice out there and kept to a schedule but it made me feel stressed and anxious and totally uninspired. I have now made the bold decision to only post when I feel inspired to post and when I have something to say. Sometimes that’ll be a flurry of posts and sometimes there won’t be any at all! Just like a true friendship - sometimes we are in the mood for company and sometimes we aren't. I now feel much more relaxed and it all feels more natural. PLUS it’s not affected my Instagram growth negatively at all - in fact my account is constantly growing and people are engaging with my posts.
In the Instagram Training that I offer small businesses, I offer exactly this - advice on how to grow your Instagram in a way that is manageable, achievable and not at all overwhelming! So if you're not growing an engaged audience on Instagram but instead you're becoming obsessed with numbers please get in touch.