Understanding Your Ideal Customer on Instagram

Who are you creating content for on Instagram?


Or your Ideal Customer?!

🤦‍♀️Don’t worry if you've been a bit self-focused; it's a common oversight! It’s so easy to slip into creating content that interests YOU but as soon as you start keeping your ideal customer in mind, you'll notice a huge difference.

Think about your ideal customer and what they are interested in? Who are they? What interests, hobbies, values do they have? How do they behave? What are their likes and dislikes? What problems do they have and what solutions are they looking for? Create a list and then using this list as a guide think about the content that they would like to see on your Instagram feed. What do they want to hear? What message do they want to receive? What conversations would they love to join in with? What help do they need? What guidance do they require? Think about the time of year / the season / the themes and match your content accordingly.

Ideal Customer on Instagram

Once you start getting into the habit of creating content with your ideal customer very much in mind then you'll start to notice that they engage more with your content. And engagement is SO important because: first of all, the more people engage with your post the more people Instagram will show your post to – so this will increase the visibility of your business and lead to new followers -  and secondly, if you can get your audience engaging on your posts then you will keep them! If someone clicks follow but never engages on your posts then very quickly your posts will disappear so far down their home feed that they'll never see your posts again. However, if they are consistently engaging on your posts then your posts will remain at the top of their home feed, you'll remain in their minds and you'll be there at the right time which is when it's the right time for them to purchase your products or book your services.

By consistently keeping your ideal customer in mind when creating content, you'll not only captivate their attention but will also establish a loyal community that's more likely to convert into sales.

Use THIS GUIDE to help you understand your ideal customer and create content that they will LOVE!

Ideal Customer Workbook